CHANDRAYAAN-2 The Future Of Crashed Lander Vikram


Disappointment - In September 2019 Vikram Lander Crashed On The South Pole Of the Moon, Bringing The Story Of This Inspiring Mission To A Tragic End:

  The mission's Vikram Lander was planned to land on Sept. 7 in the lunar south poler region where water ice could be found under the surface. The planned landing site would have been the farthest south any lunar probe had touched down, and India would have been the fourth country to have landed a spacecraft on Moon - after the United States, Russia, and China. 

The landing began minutes before 1:40 A.M Saturday. And the next few minutes everything went right according to plan. ISRO scientists at the mission cheered and clapped as Vikram aced the various stages of descent on the lunar surface. But suddenly, around 12 minutes after Vikram began its descent Vikram lost its Earth link. The next few minutes felt like hours as an anxious India waited for news from ISRO. Vikram, with the rover 'Pragyan' housed inside it, crashed the lunar surface during its final descent just 2.1 km above it in the early hours of Saturday. Chandrayaan-2's orbiter had spotted the crashed lander on the Moon on Sept 8,2019.

Vikram Lander Lying Tilted On Moon, But In One Piece: 

1.3 billion hearts broke while a room full of ISRO scientists watched Chandrayaan's Vikram lander tilting 410 degrees instead of the stipulated 55 degrees. Since Vikram was landing on autonomous mode, scientists were just helpless spectators as their missions seemed to literally take a pitfall. Vikram is lying in a tilted position on the Moon's south pole but in one piece. ISRO was trying to re-established communication with it but failed.

    The Orbiter is safe in the intended orbit around the Moon with the " precise launch and mission " the orbiter's life span will be extended to almost seven years. Chandrayaan-2's Orbiter completes 9,000 orbits around Moon in 2 years.

NASA  Finds Chandrayaan-2 Lander Vikram With Help Of Indian Engineer :

NASA's Orbiter had captured the first set of Images of the landing site of Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander but they were unable to identify Vikram Lander because of the long shadows in the region during dusk. A Chennai-based engineer, Shanmuga Subramanian, helped NASA to find out Vikram Lander from the debris.

                                                         NASA  releases images of the impact of Chandrayaan-2's Vikram Lander

    Future Plans:

Based on the learnings from Chandrayaan -2 and suggestions made by the national level experts, the realization of Chandrayaan-3 is in progress. India space agency ISRO has shown us a glimpse of India's third Moon Mission, Chandrayaan-3. The third lunar mission is expected to be launched in August this year and is currently in the assembly phase. It is a follow-up of Chandrayaan-2 of July 2019. While Chandrayaan-2 was developed for Rs 978 core, including the cost of the spacecraft and the rocket launcher, Chandrayaan-3 will be developed at an estimated Rs 250 core. ISRO gave the first glimpse of Chandrayaan-3 in a documentary titled 'Space on Wheels'.


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